Milania - Room 46 in Beluga's Hotel - Floor 3

Say stuff or post or make poll's of stuff in the hotel floor 3!

Some quick announcement

For some reason i decided to make a FPE fanart, because i really liked the animation of them

Decided to add my own OC to it because why not?

Made more main characters to complete the protagonist section of one of my upcoming series. Now it's time for the antagonists

Whoa i see some ppl are seing the eclipse as well, but for some reason, it's 4pm in my timezone (Ik that's because i don't live in the same timezone as them)

Ofc a solar eclipse is going to happen

But is it going to happen at the US? Not only on that country? Btw i just wanna know if this is gonna happen in Brazil too (For some reason i'm interested in seeing that in the region i live in for the first time)