
Look upon the face of a @ColesyGaming running on less than 2 hours sleep at 5am this morning... Baby isn't even here yet & I'm already not sleeping because of her 😅

(Read Article for full details)

When Linus Tech Tips clearly steals one of your old videos 👿🖥️
... Of course I'm joking I'd never claim to own the idea behind a video 😂 but I am pleased to have come up with the same idea 🤔💭💡
Much love to Linus & the LTT crew, love their stuff 😊❤️

I didn't even realise initially but my Quote about the new map from Walkabout Mini Golf VR is next to a quote from FORBES! 🤯 Like THE Forbes 😅 WOW a pleasure 🙏❤️

Why has my daughter stuck Charles Leclerc's face onto my bedroom mirror 🤣🤷‍♂️

(I wished I looked as good as him 😅)



Up to Level 2 now ❤️ You guys are so fast I haven't even had chance to add the extra sticker from Level 1 yet 😅 Thank you all for making this possible 🎉🙏


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