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The game is crashing if i click on login / register plz help

I'd like to report a player called Temmie667 that supposly its AFK but he/she is moving

is this a glitch or is it made like this i want answer

BUG (or not?) : I can pass through lamp


Hi there, I want to report a bug/glitch.

there is hacker nammed nuggetYT and he is nocliping out of the map and his ID is 3107908 and it really hard to see so sorry i coulnd't take a picture of it he was in a corner it was PVP room then hub

he makes flood (SO MUCH FLOOD)(or spam i dont know so much and sorry for bad english)

why there is a white box appear when I pvp?

when I try to play in pvp the game closes

someone use my parnents email mine is differnt

So, I stumbled upon this bug...