All Posts in 🗿 Dᴀɪʟʏ's Dɪsᴛʀᴀᴄᴛᴇᴅ Pᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ 🗿

There is a Mcdonald's on every continent except Antarctica.
Yes, I am aware that I might be milking this game.
Extra mode will be the very last thing I do with this series, I guess I just need the closure for myself lol
More leaks soon :D
Unknown's Evil Random Thought's #12 :
I'll just going to create the Project and code it to say my commands, that's all.
so I Unknown Is just going to create a Unknown Project.
Finally! A proper teaser for Extra Mode.
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a new game mode
an innocent new game modePlay the full story mode here:
Unknown's Evil Random Thought's #15
TBH I unknown Is going to make The funni but when the funni come YOU BETTER LAUGH...
Lol I'm just kidding But I just hate it when people just Instantly called me a Eggman copy Like IM NOT I MADE A UFO AND everything-
Rq, daily pondering, what if on GJ we could make our own backgrounds for posts, that would be cool
So, for those wondering about TW, (time Warped) not alot has been done due to juggling several other projects.
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Uh, definitely not a general post so I have at least one post in here, definitely not...
Random thought #7:
The No Straight Roads OST is so good... like... WHAT…