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The Henry StickMINI Collection: PROEPILOGUE (+ Extra Mode)
Game Soundtrack
= Trailer =
- 1.= Trailer =
- 2.One Last Time (Title Screen Theme)
- 3.The Anomaly (Fedora's Story Intro)
- 4.Chapter Select
- 5.Meeting On The Airship (Henry's Story Intro)
- 6.A Mysterious Object
- 7.Perfect Fedoramaniac
- 8.The Anomaly Is Back (Chapter 2 Intro)
- 9.Final Encounter
- 10.Journey's End
- 11.Void
- 12.Halting The Attack (Chapter 1 Overworld Theme)
- 13.Reflection (Chapter 3 Overworld Theme)
- 14.Halting The Attack (Time Stream Ver.)
- 15.Traversing Through Spacetime (Chapter 2 Time Stream Theme)
- 16.The Final Stretch Begins (Chapter 3 Time Stream Theme)
- 17.Anomalistic Silence (Time Stream Theme Near Boss)
- 18.Hand Of The Tyrant (Overworld Theme Near Boss)
- 19.Guilty As Charged (Overworld Theme Near Final Boss)
- 20.A Brawl On The Airship (Chapter 1 Battle Theme)
- 21.Should We Be Fighting Here? (Time Stream Battle Theme)
- 22.An Unwelcome Visitor (The Anomaly's Boss Theme)
- 23.Time Well Kept (Optional Boss Theme)
- 24.just a minor inconvenience (Sven Svensson's Boss Theme)
- 25.NO TICKETS NEEDED (Mr. Macbeth's Boss Theme)
- 26.Escape From The Time Stream (The Anomaly's Second Boss Theme)
- 27.Hat Held High (Fedora Clones' Boss Theme)
- 28.Vengeance (The Fedoramaniac's Boss Theme)
- 29.The Henry StickMINI Collection (Final Boss Theme)
- 30.The Anomaly's Final Stand
- 31.Victory
- 32.Chapter Complete
- 33.(Ex) Clocking In
- 34.(Ex) Backtracking (Time Stream Theme)
- 35.(Ex) HERE I AM
- 36.(Ex) FIND HIM
- 37.(Ex) One Final Mission (Overworld Theme)
- 38.(Ex) Seriously, should we be fighting here? (The Paradox's Boss Theme)

#action #rpg #fangame #multiplayer #coop
The Fedoramaniac is back. No, REALLY back. He seems to have remembered his original mission, thanks to a mysterious being known as The Anomaly. The two have teamed up, and will stop at nothing to ensure the Right Hand Man's demise.
But why? Who is the Fedoramaniac? His story goes deeper than you may think.
The (way overdue) ending to my Henry Stickmin fangame series!
Sprite Design:
(Stick Mason)
@RadDisbelifPapyrus (Referenced as an NPC)
Creative Input (users not previously mentioned):
(i'll add more as i remember them lol)
Mild Cartoon Violence