All Posts in fuzzy's silly community of sillies

Post memes, art, or random things :D

RAHHHH GO FOLLOW @Mostardaamarela RIGHT NOW1!!111!1!1!

Bro this is crazy but there is a video it's a funny video post but in the video I saw a place that I know it's in my city

Ain’t no way 💀💀💀 (This is an English project we’re doing for school)


mitski mentioned?



fr like ..

"Now draw them kissin-"

-a wise irl friend of mine before getting ganged up on

Hate if you want. I'll delete the comments either way :3

Vent ! You don't have to read , I just needed to let stuff out

TW : : mention of sh and sewerslide


okay get it unc

Hi! I'm OMC, an artist gamer nerd that prefers the good 'ol pencil and paper.