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If I could only play one game for the Rest of my life it would be Minecraft because of the vast mods and servers you can play its endless things to do so you won't get bored as quickly! #Gjasks
#GJAsks Only one game for the rest of my life? Well, fire up those older PCs then because I'm looking at you, Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi!
If I could play one video game for the rest of my life I would play Genshin Impact #GJAsks

Just some lame characters I drew back in 4th grade
Thank you guys hi just got the 500 likes award.🎉🎉🎉

#GJAsks what is the hardest video game that I ever beaten for me is Ghost N' Goblin for the NES. Well sort of. I remember when I first beaten it and never again, then after watching the AVGN that you have to beat it again for the real ending.
#GJAsks Q: What is the hardest game you've ever beaten?
A: That feels like a tie between Mega Man, Karnov, and King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella, truth be told. All three were harder than they needed to be!