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God must be gloinks!!

Exploration number 2, after a full morning of digging this cave seems to be bigger than expected.

Ummmmm Spidey

Before I disappear for the day

I'll post this to torment @LUKELCS

Have you ever won a prize by doing absolutely nothing?

These are my top 10 supporters, almost all but 3 of them, that being @OrionMattice360 @Kristof094 @Winkwing have been crowned "legeary" already. (thankyou all btw)

So I might have to rethink how I do this a bit.


How many FNAF tags do you have to use, Luke.

hey haven't brought any updates for abit, here's a picture of a rock.

hey, just released clara spell's 4th episode: would love to hear your feedback for it. thanks

hey, just got clara spell's 4th episode done, i'll do some testing and hopefully will have it up sometime this week, for now i'm gonna take it easy and work on simpler stuff, thanks :)