general in LUKELCS Fan Community

God must be gloinks!!

0Z7jeBPDlFw totally not a rickroll i swear.

The stickers by @therealwafflesofficia, @Fnaf-Plus-AU , and @Not-Person HAVE RETURNED!

As was previously voted upon, the top 3 stickers from Wave I have returned for Wave III!

i'm thinking of probably saying stuff in kit's voice from wta. what do you think.

got this made from the reddit user u/-Little-Bees- really love how it turned out

i just finished the we're the animatronics pilot and it should be coming out on september 30th this year at 9:00pm, hope to see you there:

we're the animatronics pilot
show pilot that has been in development since at least 2016in this show, we follow a group of animatronics living in an alternate universe in 2024 going on a...

hey everyone, a few days ago kids show isloation released: if you wanna do a video on it, feel free to :) just @ me if you do. thanks

kids show isolation released yesterday, hope you guys enjoy:

to those who played metal gear rising, who is your favourite boss fight and why

i really need to stop smacking people

Am I the only one who refers Luke's username by "Luke el-see-ess"?

Like, just saying Luke then saying the three uppercase letters separately?