general in LUKELCS Fan Community

God must be gloinks!!

hey, just got clara spell's 4th episode done, i'll do some testing and hopefully will have it up sometime this week, for now i'm gonna take it easy and work on simpler stuff, thanks :)

update poster for clara spell episode 4

Two hundred and sixty nine!

hey, found artwork i was trying to find awhile back, its this one:… from this user.

Don't make a joke with my 3 year old abandoned username Luke.

When did I come out? Come out as what? 🤨

just felt like putting out a random recommendation, found a neat artist on gamejolt here called @DundlerKraken , feel free to take a look at her art, its really good ngl.

hey, repost here for the welcome to bonnie's 2 trailer, if you wanna take a look hope you like it :):

Welcome To Bonnie's 2 Official trailer
gamepage on gamejolt: please don't play this if you are young, it may have some dark themes about it. probably.also t...

i love reddit

hey gang, thought of making a incorrect quotes as bill cipher sometime down the line, so if you wanna hear me say something in my bill voice, well you know what to do.