general in comfort and help


First from my friends list UwU

lul I am pretty proud of myself for that

Recording your self singing is fun... not

at least not hearing it right after, I don't think I ever cringe so much about myself then now. Like I don't like deleting stuff, I like showing stuff. But I cringe so much I just had to.

How where/is your day? mine so far wasn't every good...

and it probably not gonna get better since I still gotta do some homework get ready for tomorrow and such

I'm not exited

and no I can't be help with my homework

I believe at the moment there are four users on this side who are using pfp that I made for them

those people being :


I wanna make it more now that I notice it OwO
but only for friends, sorry ^^"'

I shouldn't have æten so many SourStraws today XD