make_musics in Gamejolt Music Community

Brazillian Funk is trash 😎

Here's my Strawberry Crisis!! cover, Steven Stone's take.

Title: 鋼天使の理科崇拝〜Steely Angel Crisis (The Adoration of Science by the Steel Angel ~ Steely Angel Crisis)

MIDI transcription by Kijiriki

MIDI cover by CaraPrincess (CP104)


There you go! Clownpiece + Jevil PoSSB cover!

Happy 4th of July!


A Pure Furies cover I made.

Title: 我々の最愛少女を悼む〜Goodbye, Mari (Mourning Our Beloved Girl ~ Goodbye, Mari)

MIDI transcription by EpreTroll and Marasy

MIDI cover by CaraPrincess (CP104)


There you go!

Crazy Backup Dancers, feat. Mettaton (and Frisk)

Title: 踊る一晩中〜Lunatic Dancing Diva (Dancin' All Night ~ Lunatic Dancing Diva)

MIDI transcription by EpreTroll.

MIDI cover by CaraPrincess (CP104).

Have fun!


Here's my take on Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten.

Title: 緋色槍を振るう猫戦士の台頭〜Heroic Scarlet Cat (The Rising of a Spear-Wielding Scarlet Cat Warrior ~ Heroic Scarlet Cat)

MIDI transcription by Kijiriki.

MIDI cover by CaraPrincess (CP104).

Enjoy the track!


Not only just Pandemonic Planet, I also add The Wheel of Fortune Turning Over in this cover compilation.

(Sorry, I haven't create Jane's artwork yet, so I use another of Mettaton's fanart)


Here's my Shoutoku Legend MIDI cover feat. Grimsley.

Title: 賭博の王子〜Prince of the Casino (Prince of Gambling ~ Prince of the Casino)

MIDI cover by CaraPrincess (CP104)

MIDI transcription by Kijiriki


Here's the finished music compilation.

Hope you enjoy it!


My Septette of the Dead Princess remix, Grimsley's take.

Title: 不気味な、不気味な紳士〜Count of the Invading Shadows (Creepy, Spooky Gentleman ~ Count of Invading Shadows)

MIDI cover by CaraPrincess (CP104)

MIDI arrangement by Kijiriki.


U.N. Owen Was Her? Grimsley version.

Original art by Lobolobo2010 (you can tell by the name on the artwork)

Art mod by me, CaraPrincess