All Posts in Nugget Supremacy

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Oreo Flavored Coke is Fucking Nasty

spare yourself and dont drink that shit, even the smell is nasty and i smelt it for a week and the taste lingered
Never fucking again, can we go back to the LoL EXP Flavor?

I have tried 3333 times but i cant reach pink mexico level

@brycey i know you quit but I completely forgot that when I drew this so here it is anyways


i didnt make this

call back to the time i posted this...

no regrets

i fixed the order of my fanart post so its lest random and confusing
again, go make art if you want, i would appreciate it
read article

i am disappointed by youtube's 'trending in gaming' tab


Cat wont stop stealing from poeplešŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Name 5 people who live in New Hampshire

you cant