Whatever The Fuck in The Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate! :]
I fucking hate clowns they aren't funny. I don't think they're scary. But they fail in the main place they should be amazing in.

Are there any french people on gj?
5 votes Voting finished
I'm bored give me shit to draw please :]

i'm going to redraw and recolor this buddy
If I was trans and someone said
"Your not a woman!"
I would say
"No shit I'm a TRANS WOMAN. Women have vaginas and trans women usually have dicks. What's your point? You understand anatomy good for you. What next? You don't have six fingers?"
On my Ravenclaw playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy and as a Slytherin holy shit Ravenclaw has the best common room wtf??? I haven't played Hufflepuff house yet that will be my last playthrough so I haven't seen their common room yet so many it's better