Whatever The Fuck in The Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate! :]


only the ogs remember aonit doggo

Here's the weapons the Mesa has!

[Read Article]

made a face template for RPG Maker MZ

[example on the right, don't use without permission please T-T]

I'm transphobic

Translation: I love Harry Potter fuck JK Rowling I love my Trans people out there

Ok the Sonic one treatment should not be normalized. You shouldn't have the power to change an entire movie because you don't like how it looks. Yes I'm taking about Shrek 5. The design isn't even bad. This is just the internet new = bad argument.

I've been BUSY with clickeam wtf

Working on shit just need some references

Femboy thighs back at the movies gonna watch the Dog Man movie!

Here's the winner of the contest @bluurXD4 the only person who submitted

He's gonna get 3 fanarts