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Information about Run The Gauntlet better known as Custom Night (Read article, it may be short but it's worth it)

Here is the gang
You have been chosen to be trained to become the new draftsman of Randy's Pizza (that's us)!
To train you, you'll be in a simulation, and you'll be in charge of EVERYTHING, making sure we stay profitable.
If you go into debt, you will not be accepted.

Done with all of the 1.0 Treasure Island characters
Baldi Sonic Origins 1.1 update
-Tails will be a playable in some chapter.
-All main chapter "1, 2" will be reworked.
-Added the classic mode selection.
-Baldi Sonic's Jumpscare will be revamped.
Guys, I have an entire long Paragraph of an idea for a horror series. but it may not be the way you think. (Or the way I think.)

I already have 100 followers, how crazy!