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Alpha Version 2.7.0 is out!

The demo version is almost finished!

I've added some new features and the game is much better now. I would love any feedback about the game.

-The Loop: Ouroboros

Alpha 2.5.0 is finally out. I've added some visual changes. The movement of the enemy AI changed too, now it's not glitchy. This is a version for testing!

This alpha is almost over. The demo is coming soon. Thank you for your support!

Alpha Version 2.3.0 is out! Options Menu changed. I've fixed in most of the maps and changed the last map a lot.

Maybe this is the last Alpha Update before the demo release!

Download and test the game in:

Every feedback is welcome!

Alpha Version 2.2.0 is out.

Some new things added into 1-2 maps and design changes. Changed the VHS Tapes videos to make them look better and give more clues. Options Menu are still bugged, I'm going to be fixing it soon.


Alpha Version 2.1.0 is out.

I've changed the "outside the house" starting zone. I've added some things in that level.

Also, I've done some changes with level transferring.

-The Loop: Ouroboros