Share your creations!

Copyright! What is it? How to obtain it? What does it do? And what's the catch?

Globals.... Are they evil?

A review of solicus's InstallForge.

A review of ClickTeam Install Creator

Kitty now on Game Jolt too
#kitty #consoleapp #freesoftware #utilities

Hexo, a Node.JS Powered CMS.

Kthura, map system

Utilities community

Kitty, the cli code viewer

Do you create utilities? Any of them handy to create games? Or do you have other purposes covered in a utility. For Mac? For Linux? For Windows? For DOS even? What the heck, as long as it's useful for you, it might also be use for for the rest of us, right? So why not share them?

A few rules

  1. Be nice and respectful to people. If you troll or harass people, you are not welcome here.

  2. This is not the place to post NSFW content. I don't see how it will be fruitful in a community like this.

  3. And of course spamming is also not allowed, I guess that goes without saying.

  4. English only please.

  5. Now this place is NOT meant to advertise games, but I will turn a "blind eye" if you post a game in order to give a demonstration of the utility, which you apparently created/used creating that game. As long as the emphasis lies on how the tool was used in the game's creation.

  6. If you don't like some utilities/tools demonstrated/shown here, please say it int a CONSTRUCTIVE manner.

  7. Since there is no rule anymore banning non-game content on Game Jolt, it's preferable that tools shown here are posted on GJ, but it's not a requirement.

#utilities #utility #tools #tool

@Tricky owner
Report A community for over 4 years