All Posts in A Ghost in Town

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I found some screens I made for the trailer of my old video game project A Ghost in Town (btw the release of the «demo» of the game is delayed until an unkown amount of time :') )

I kinda miss making stuff in this simpler style

When is your game coming out, and why isn't it on the Gamejolt page? We need your greatnessssss-


I started working with a talented musicien for the demo of A Ghost in Town! We’re just waiting for him to finish the musics to publish the demo (he’s working voluntarily so I’m not rushing him ahah)

Here is his insta account: 💫

I realized that I have never shared this little sculpture I made one year ago!

It’s a sculpture of Riley, the main character from my game project « A Ghost in Town »!

Some sprites for Avril, one of the main character from my game A Ghost in Town :)