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Someone asked me today if this Foam Clay by Poly-Props Ltd worked in silicon moulds so I thought I'd try and the answer is YES
#retrovandal #foamclay #polypropsltd #polyprops #foamsmith #foamcraft #craft #siliconmould #siliconmoulds #craftclay

V for Einstein, going to paint Einstein’s face like V’s mask.

The Rings of Power - “Sauron’s sword” 

The Rings of Power - “Sauron’s sword” Final coat of (metallic antique copper + yellow + heavily watered orange) brushed on, wiped off. Not applied to the blade. Blade accented in light tan and wiped for dirty appearance.

WIP The Rings of Power - “Sauron’s sword” Prime, sand, base of evil.

(Pics) The Wand of Bellatrix Lestrange
Extra pics to go with the prop video.


I got bored

Sanding day, Doom got it too. Hopefully get folks replied to soon!

WIP - “SCP-035”

WIP The Rings of Power - “Sauron’s sword”