Comments in D7 Studios | Scratch

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I've been working on some sprite stacking code for my 3d engine. The textures are placeholder, the code works really well though. I hope this can help people.

how do you guys do shaders

I'm delaying my video (in favor of revamping the effects to be more Bungie like) and I'm also scrapping a concept of beating (literal punching and slamming) up a moniter until it has become a pile of Forerunner Hard-light scrap pile.

10 members u know

Fragg engine still being worked on.... Slowly. Not much is really changed from thegreenflash's tutorial and I don't want to release it like that, might add lighting but it's still tgf's engine with a gun slapped over it.


sw2 sample project progress

does anyone know how to do pen layering?

this guy is so stupid. i was one of his followers cause i didn't know he is thief

I finally upload-ed my engine