All Posts in D7 Studios | Scratch

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Shadow volumes are now officially implemented into Tachyon 2, they are affected by multiple lights, they also work for custom sprites, there are bugs but it is minimal at this point and is not the main focus

Elite got released finally! Everything is documented, and SDK got released. Hope you create something with it!

Elite is getting finished, I was really busy. I will release it for about 9 hours. I need to polish things up.

This is still scratch.

I wanna make a FPS in scratch, but i do not know what to make 😭. can someone give ideas?

I promise Elite will release today later. I was really busy!

not tryna cause controversy, but i was to lazy lol 👍
Have a good day


would you forgive him for murdering your family?
"kirb" making the HL2 Beta in scratch

Tags so people actually see the post:

#gamedev #fangame #halflife #halflife2 #halflife2beta #hashtag

Elite is releasing for few hours! I wasn't home.

If you can test it in 2 hours(when it's published) please comment and post your creations in comments on this post!


added a few things to D7 like crouch only objects jump only objects stationary enemies and some other stuff