General in UT & US Thanatos

Share your creations!

* I knew people would never change

* that was the final warning.

pisswap should have an extra minigame called dustswap: dusttrust where all the assets change every 5 seconds for the highest dopamine release

maybe also subway surfer gameplay at the bottom

To all people that think this game is a virus. It is not.

It's a clickteam app, and for some reason, clickteam create apps that are detected as viruses.

Have a great day.


papyrus design test

trying to make stuff myself


I'm not gonna release this, just made for fun.

idk who made this music

sprites by SpaceStationaryCore, thanks ercpt for helping with wave shader


Teaser No. 2 just because I can. Again, the new music batch should be out soon. Hopefully within a week or two.

Track by @filipcreat

new panel colors thanks to ava

*don't make this harder than it has to be, papyrus.
*let it be me the one who brings you to justice.