Gamejam's/Event's in The Five Night's at Freddy's Scratch Community

Post Play Share Fun! ⬇

I have an announcement! I want YOU to create anything but in PLUSH FORM (You will be credited, and if you wish to participate, you can make your plush in scratch and link it.)

hi guys!

-read the article for more information-

Pride Month is here!

Since we are 45 views away from hitting 1K on FSaLP, I am gonna anounce what I'll do to celebrate it, I'll be doing an QNA so write your questions down below, the more, the better!



VHS: The BroadCast 12/02/2015 (USA Chicago)

So, I decided to end this Fan-art contest today

Starting a event of fan-arts of Siena's Pets!

I'm starting a Minecraft smp for fnaf scratch creators! add derpergamedev_97528 on discord to join!

I go make a game jam so you have to make a game on scratch and put it on GameJolt. it will start on 3/1/2024 and end on 3/30/2024 so you have some time just add #Scratch_Game_Jam here so I will know. just all bye