Promocion O Promotion in FNAF FANGAMES 200 (Official)

Viva latam

Screenshots of the game have been added to the page and I'd like to tell you ....

"Pues lo que hice por ti, EN VANO NO SERAAAaa"
Vuelvo a trabajar en Frankie´s esperen noticias pronto.

Patch v1.1
Español: ¿Les gustaría que traduciera el juego a inglés?
English: Would you like me to translate the game into English?
4 votes Voting finished

Y aqui esta, la Trilogia de FNaF hecha en Powerpoint!

(Spoilers Alerts) PTLD Soundtrack reveal

Join the Discord server if you want to know more information about the fangames I'm developing.

AFNAF is now available!, if by chance you find any bug, let me know to fix it, enjoy the game.