general in Ajuda game maker studio 2

este grup foi criado para ajuda as pessoas a usar o game maker studio 2 no brasil

Working on some Pet Code.

LOL why the heart come out the butt!?!

#gameDev #indieGames #Goblins

Did you know, if you're ever stuck without an Axe, you can still gather things from Trees? You just gotta use your head!

It's been so long since I made/looked at the placeholder Stats Screen I totally forgot about this animation*.
Heck, it's still got the old Goblin teeth

(*A cookie if you get the reference )

Throwback to the earliest days of the Goblin game, look at that cute square shaped Goblin!!

Game Dev Progress Post for July!

#gameDev #indieGames #goblin #pixelArt

I'm going to have to revisit Weather again soon, need to make it so you can have multiple clouds moving at once, and also decide on if the Cloud will actually be visible or if having a shadow is enough.

#gameDev #pixelArt #goblins

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope your weekend has been fun and relaxing!

#GameDev Update:…

Please look after yourselves and keep being awesome!

Time for me to get back to the GameDev!!

Steam Powered Giraffe - Malfunction
The song "Malfunction" from Steam Powered Giraffe's newest album, QUINTESSENTIAL! Available Now!Album Purchase Links:--Steam Powered Giraffe Online Store (CD...

Game Dev post for July!

#gameDev #indieGames #goblin #pixelArt

I hope you're all doing well! I'm working REAL hard on my projects!

Please look after yourselves and keep being awesome!

YUS! There was a bug in my House code where Save Loading wasn't rebuilding parts of them that you'd placed, so the Chest and Torch in this House wasn't being built.

With a minor tweak to the Load code it's working right now!!