Ride a real train with me

I don't think I posted this anywhere on Game Jolt before.

This idea popped into my head while I was sort of half awake about a week ago maybe? Just a random character design, feel free to use it or whatev. I don't have any plans.

Anyways, enjoy ^.^

“They aren’t worth it"

Just saying, this image has a train to the right and train tracks to the left

i piled all the images everyone posted so far so we can see what the writing says, but it seems like we're short on a few letters


Got one of the images Sul Omahn mentioned

I think this is a picture of him making Glitchless

But I don’t know what the thing behind him is

Seems important because of the light around it though

The pieces are in place for you >:)

Vitkt ror ngx itqk oz?

"Are you not curious what I have to say."


"This is correct."