chatting in IRL

What's happening IRL for you?

Heading home from holiday tomorrow! Been lovely to get away & spend time with family & do little adventures thank you guys for always being so supportive of me & my posts whether they be gaming related or just life related


Last night we went to an awesome (if not a little spooky) Mini Golf ⛳🏌️

A little late because I forgot about it but where we go now & I think you might even understand why I forgot about it ^^"

So today I didn't sleep at all thanks to coughing & sneezing all night.

Then I had to go do the doctor to get a SickNote for School &

me when i see good emotions on people.

Tomorrow is Passover.

I went to the dentist today to pull a tooth out and now i can't speak

the world has taken away my speech.. now i can't say gay things

My Sister just had to trash all her Energy drinks because they went bad

bro why is this shit so

Today Sebby met The Gruffalo!


Picture of me with a red filter