Gaming in KUNOLEO

No one leaves the basement.

Do we have anyone here on Gamejolt that's looking forward to Dark And Darker?

The demo now has a HTML build so you guys can try it out without having to download the PC version!!

The HTML version is a bit scuffed compare to the other version, some plugins, shaders etc, doesn't work.

For all changes to the HTML version, read article


-Added PandaC

-Tweaked both Fredinator & KUNOLEO's moveset.

Assets & mechanics are all subject to change!

-Added @fredinator1 to the game (his moveset will need some tweaking)

-Added the ability to pick what Creator you want to fight.

-Changed the player movement slightly, the hitbox is now also smaller.

If you want to contribute to the project, let me know!

First Bad On A Boss Level In 3 Days >:(

Let's make this happen:
Gamejolt Bullet-Hell Boss-Rush Game!

Feel free to try out the little demo I made!


I know I said I'd do it tomorrow, but I improved my time today. 29 seconds!

is this @KUNOLEO first game

wow another minigaem