All Posts in Lego
Unikitty's Cloud Cuckoo Car
Это немецкий корабль ,,Bismark''. Он один из самых больших кораблей за всю историю человечества. :)
This is a German ship,,Bismark". He is one of the largest ships in the history of mankind. :)
I didnt know International LEGO Day was a thing until today, also i made some rushed pixel art of a Red LEGO Brick.
Short animation of sea waves in the style of LEGO bricks, which I made some time ago in Blender.
What was the first LEGO theme you got into? The first one I remember really loving is the classic Space stuff.
Я нашёл фотки своей старой постройки "Дора" если кто не знает это самый большой танк за всю историю человечества. :)
I found pictures of my old construction "Dora" if anyone does know this is a largest tank in the history mankind. :)
Немецкая 75-мм противотанковая пушка Pak.40 :)
German 75 millimete anti-tank gun Pak.40 :)
Советский танк т-44. :)
Soviet T-44 tank. :)
So I have decided to post myself playing video games, since I'm using a phone I'm gonna have to record it, probably will be on my TV. So, what should I play?