Art! in The Gusto Community

Have fun sharing your cool shit!!

normally i dont do art, so have portaboi the killer in super cat tales

Smasher of the Glitchers

(yes i remaked)

*sits nicely*

Hi huuuuh I hate Game Jolt but I still post here because... I don't even know. Anyway, here os the new "model" for SilverTRAP (obviously it's me) So I hope you like it :]

HAPPY 2024!!! and hopefully 2024 get better than 2023!!!

and he's done

apple dog

guess who

Turn back, Jolly ahead!!

(Aslo yes, he has been left to rot so long that now he has got a fucking hive in his chest)

i didn't make this dude, but i redesigned them

"There is nothing we can do..."

Dans mon esprit tout divague-