All Posts in No Man's Sky

Every star is the light of a distant sun!

【No Man's Sky】

... I landed on the wrooooooong planet!

Oh... Oh no... A new No Man's Sky update just dropped. Y'all know what I'll be playing!

No Man's Sky Adrift Expedition Trailer
Introducing..No Man's Sky: Adrift.A lot has changed in the years since No Man’s Sky released. There’s so much we love about the game now, but there was somet...

【No Man's Sky】

Well it only took nearly 600 hours of gameplay time across multiple saves, but I finally found my very own squid ship. Crazy how rare these are...

【No Man's Sky】

This planet's terrain was a pain to navigate on foot, and it was honestly kind of ugly during the day... LOL

The sunset, though!

【No Man's Sky】

Would you shake hands with Technology Merchant Desroddarf?

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