Screens & Vids in No Man's Sky

Every star is the light of a distant sun!

【No Man's Sky】

Sometimes I truly amaze myself... Like, how can anyone even park this badly?

【No Man's Sky】

This entire space station was shrouded in space mist; never seen this before. It was almost impossible finding the entrance.

【No Man's Sky】

Look at this absolute goober...

【No Man's Sky】


So I went through that portal, and this is where I ended up... Floating helplessly in the middle of space...

Tell my family I love them...

【No Man's Sky】

I made my first custom ship! Yaaay! Look how cute and compact it is!

One problem, though... I can't decide what to name it. I'm calling upon all of you to save me from indecisiveness by selecting an option in the poll!

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