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Latam is god

What do you think of the Joltbux prices?


Eu manito

I made a drawing of the evolution of Yugoslavia. I hope the borders are fine, the next one will be Germany.



a Qatar team that did not deserve to go to the next phase of the Asian Cup but passed and will face the powerful Iran on Wednesday, February 7, Uzbekistan played well, guys, but how can they think of kicking some penalties like that?

Is it me or the comment I left disappears completely

The Iranian team defeated the Japanese team with a comeback and everything, now they will have to wait between Qatar and Uzbekistan, come on Iran, they can win the cup

True, today is also the birthday of our favorite red echidna, that is, knuckles, happy 30 years, dear knuckles.

The Congo turns the game around and reaches the semifinals after a long time, perhaps they will be able to repeat what happened in Zaire in 1970