Plant your own creations!

Tall-nut & Wall-nut

Potato mine 🥔


Solar flare / Plants vs Zombies Heroes

PeaShooter / Snow Pea

Peashooter and Bloom Cactus

Football zombie in the pool

the satisfying moment


Peashooter Fanart.

Fire Peashooter

Welcome to the Plants vs Zombies community on Game Jolt!

Plants vs Zombies action-strategy adventure where you meet, greet, and defeat legions of hilarious zombies from the dawn of time, to the end of days.

Join the community and share your own creations!


  • Keep all posts SFW

  • Only post PVZ related things

  • Be nice!

Make sure you read and follow the Game Jolt Site Guidelines.

Report A community for almost 5 years