gameplay in RPG Games
A few screens from the game...
(final game translated in english btw)
You can't fly in Reindeer Story But you can...Speen!
Last Thursday was #DrugStory's first birthday...
So, we're bringing the game in other languages for you !
The 1st wave of translation patches are available now on the game's GameJolt page, for free, like the game !
We've heard your feedbacks...
Here's more screens, with the beauty of the light effects !
Maybe the lights makes the game's graphics better... What do you think ?
Got the Dance Battle section done. I've made the battle.
P.S. this is a between chapter battle so there isn't any real spoilers :)
The World Premiere of #DonnyDonutDokrats will be streamed on YouTube this Saturday at 7PM GMT+2 (Paris Time HNEC), we're counting on you to be there !