All Posts in Stupid Peoples


1.5K SPECIAL Thank you this journey has been amazing and i can't describe how happy i am seeing, meeting people that are so nice :D ... I Used all my time to make this hope you guys like it :)

People to follow Are in Article. Make sure to check them out

Demo Patch!

Talk about a hot streak, we've hit 100 followers!

Again as always, thank you guys for your continued support.

Wow, this support is insane. Thanks everyone as always for it, I'm extremely greatful.

A Melting smile :)

I'm back from the dead

I'm working on a level because If I have to actually program anymore shit i'm going to lose it

Spoopy month again

Yet another Demo Update!

Massive and I mean MASSIVE battle UI upgrade.

Still a WIP but this is FIRE.

I've been watching a lot of FNAFB again recently and I wanted to try and make a similar + updated UI. The random space after the gauges may be strange but its for ailments etc.


Changing the way I work on the game to make things more efficient as all core elements/mechanics have been mostly implemented.

Working on the cutscenes, here's a sneek peek of one.