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Start the chat!
Another max mode in the Bootleg Plush's series conquered. Now, being serious, sometimes this mode can be fun but usually it's LLLLL and Phantom Foxy being unfair so yeah.

Devlog #2
The newspaper is complete, all I need to do is make it where when you click on *New Game* it fades and shows the Newspaper because that has had some Technical Problems as well.
Finished in article*

I'm currently cooking my thumbnail, expect it to be uploaded in the next 1-2 hours
Ik you guys are thinking, why not just upload it. It's not fully done yet. I know from the draft it looks like it is but it isnt
New video out now! Go check it out!
Yes, I'm working on the game as I write this post.

Regretetvator #1 on ROBLOX (HIGH GRAPHICS ALERT))
IM BACK POSTING AHAHHAHA..ok lemme stop chill out.."Now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet."John 13...
Last but not least, the final channel that I'll be making.
This is the channel where you can let your inner artist shine and show some artwork!
Looking forward to see the drawings.
Slightly changed the title. Old title was "ProPG's Random Mods" but the new title now is "ProPG's Random Recodes/Mods/Games)

Added a new channel to promote your games.
Have a short description of your game with a picture and the link. Can't wait to see what people show here!

Some lore: Before Miles became a pizzeria they turned it into a Dave and Busters kind of, being the name "Miles Entertainment of Fun"
There was an arcade game that people always loved to play, but MEF ENT ended up scrapping it last minute.

1. Be kind and respectful
2. Keep it no NSFW.
3. Treat others the way you want to be treated. We all treat everyone in my community with respect, regardless if you like them or not.
4. No Anti-LGBTQ or any form of hate speech or threat