Art n stuff ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ–Œ in Status_anxiety's snazzy community

whatcha feeling today?

The weekend has come!!!

I made this draw and I think is cool.

Some stuff I made in art class.

Art dump ig

im actually really proud with some of these

i drew this bc i thought it looked cool :]

@JADE_4_M0X :>

Honestly this is the best drawing I've made this month lol

Tall bikini lady ๐Ÿ’œ

:3 repost of my drawing of me in gtag cuz im feeling more like adding communitys

๐ŸŒŸ school doodles โœจ


Soโ€ฆ it's barely been a day since I created him, and already I have drawn him in a *feminine* outfit.

Not super suggestive, just barely enough for the warning.

"Snakes are scary and gross!"

Are you sure?