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Introducing: Time Tomias!

Time Tomias is a 2D scrolling platformer & metrovania where you can manipulate time to surpass impossible obstackles.

This project is on prototyping phase yet, but there are playable builds.

(the game page is hidden)


Official Gamejolt community of "Time Tomias"!

Time Tomias is a game in development by @jackalocked .

Currently, it's still on prototyping phase, but the main game will be made in the future with the help of previous prototypes and feedback.

Playable prototypes

Some of the prototypes can be found on this Scratch studio.

There's also other miscelanious projects in there, like animations and spin-offs.

Other places

Time Tomias is also being logged in other websites.

If you want to check out more concept art of it, then this Newgrounds collection will do.

@jackalocked owner
Report A community for 8 months