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¡Se ha lanzado un parche para Power Star Fallen: Capitulo 1! Las texturas tiradas al azar de la mansion de Aiko han sido arregladas en este parche. ¡Asegúrate de transferir tus partidas guardadas a la nueva versión!

After a lot of heartaches, my game is now out and playable (╥﹏╥)
Version 0.2.1 has been released!
Fixed a couple of bugs that could interfere with the gameplay!
Small Change:
Apparently, we had forgotten to remove some small features that we didn't want in there.
So we removed them and updated it! Enjoy the updated version (there's no visible change.)
The update with the 2nd chapter of Congelatio has already been released! If you want to play it, please!

Luego de muchos retrasos, el primer episodio de Power Star Fallen ya esta disponible! Si hay unos errores, notifíquenme para parchear el juego.

WOOOO! 🎉🎉🎉 Happy Anniversary to Ice's Big Adventure: Chapter 2!! 🎉🎉🎉
The new quest is officially live, the bugs are squashed, and the adventure just got even better! Get ready for brand-new challenges, mysteries, and all the fun you’ve been waiting for!

I want to show you my new game "Mixie's"
it's a simple adventure horror game for Halloween
It's pretty short but I hope you guys gonna like it
🎪 Toyland Revival 🎪
Welcome back to Toyland, where the fun never ends… or so they say. But something sinister has taken over.
#ToylandRevival #IndieHorror #FNAFfan #HorrorGames
out now!

"Broken parts can still be dangerous… especially when they’re mine."
The Toyland update... coming Tomorrow!