
Comments (4)

What do you think?

looking forward

dou alta historia

Hmm, not bad looking though for some constructive criticism maybe make the lighting better, some of the poses of the characters and add a decent FOV to the cameras and such?


The last Hope,el juego tlh es una historia alternativa de lo que hubiera pasado si en ffps Henry y Michael no hubieran logrado quemar los animatronicos y liberarlos haciendo sus esfuerzos y muertes en vano,la historia se retorna en que Willian afton al lograr escapar con exito iniciaria su gran plan con las experimentaciones,para ello reconstruye animatronicos de nuevo con piezas encontradas en viejas localizaciones con el fin de reconstruirlos para el secuestro

Reporte 26/07/2030,varias personas estan siendo secuestradas,los mas sospechoso y probable son los animatronicos que se han encontrado caminado y arrastrandose por las calles,esto seria lo mas seguro ya que un joven y sus amigos asesinados reporto que sus amigos y el en un paseo nocturno se habian encontrado con un animatronico oso por la noche el cual los ataco pero el chico logro escapar pero sus amigos no corrieron con la misma suerte

Historia:50% completa


The last Hope, the tlh game is an alternative story of what would have happened if in ffps Henry and Michael had not managed to burn the animatronics and free them making their efforts and deaths in vain, the story is returned in which Willian afton managed to escape with Success would start his great plan with the experimentations, for this he reconstructs animatronics again with pieces found in old locations in order to rebuild them for the kidnapping

Report 07/26/2030, several people are being kidnapped, the most suspicious and probable are the animatronics who have been found walking and crawling through the streets, this would be the safest since a young man and his friends murdered reported that his friends and On a night walk they had met an animatronic bear at night which attacked them but the boy managed to escape but his friends did not have the same luck

Story: 50% complete
#fnaf #fangame #pointnclick #survival #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

#fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Crass Humor

A test jumscared

Work we are...FINALLY...tell it will all end?...henry


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