
Comments (7)

What do you think?

its impressive how well made it is for a dreams game, great job!

are you guys hiring 3d modelers? im interested

The ventilation goes Crazy!

Can i be a Voice Actor for this game?

Discord: Sim_Naum_Ofc

This game is very cool

#horror #fangame #survival #action #adventure


A game that is made in Dreams PS4/PS5 #fnaf



The game is now unlisted. Version 2 is droppin next week dw!

Cutscene finished! (Nearly toke me 3 hours)

The game will be unlisted tomorrow so this is y'all last chance to play Version 1!

Thumbnail updated!

This got a lil remake :p

First cutscene is done! (I also added some particles and some more sound design) Now for the last cutscene for the section might take me a while to do compare to this. It didn't take long 👀

Things got some improvements! Im also done with the main parts as well. Now all I gotta do is the cutscenez and that will be it for this section!

I've been working on the map for 4 days! At least I need to do one more part and the entire map is done. All logics are still in progress.

Ay y'all I might not upload today. I'm still making some pretty good progress on the game. I'll show the leaks later once things are done. I would say the progress is around 63% done 🔥🔥🔥