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Maken's Den of Cringe-Topia
5 Members

Comments (3)

What do you think?

played the demo and oh my god is it good. you have gotten a lot better at map-making, dialogues and storytelling in general! absolutely loved all the new faces (and some old ones, too - looking at you, Tals'Ko...) and their dynamics - from the servants at the family mansion to the cutthroat politics of Qwish's garrison - just love it all! the gameplay-heavy parts are good, too - and so are the fights - tough, but manageable.

i've only encountered one problem while playing - in the underground section of Qwish's outpost there's a worker who uses the ladder but doesn't disappear, blocking it off from usage - it's easily fixed by just saving in that part, going to the title screen and then using the ladder like normal. otherwise, no bugs! but i do have two suggestions: first off, some of the skills and ki applications use MP, too, but it's never specified as to what amount of MP they use - it would be nice to include that in the description. secondly, as Elladwen is a much more unique universe compared to your usual rpg maker worlds i think it would be great if it used some custom resources - i heard you had some trouble implement those - may i help somehow? i have also added more stuff to my big folder of vx ace resources and also compiled another folder but with rpg maker stuff from pixiv, too - feel free to use both:

all in all, this is magnificent. can't wait to see more of this beautiful world and especially it's inhabitants - it's just so unique compared to all the other stuff you see on the site that i can't help but cherish it - i'm a sucker for fantasy worlds with detailed lore, too, so that might be a factor, but still - this is great. please, keep working on it - i'll make sure to make some videos on it once a new version drops - until then, wish you well, Maken!!!!

Set in 2359 in the archipelago of the Far-West, we follow a young noble, Marnen and his most loyal servant, Violadrynn, who has come from the Mid-South to study abroad to a highly prestigious academy that's most well known for their Mage-Craft. Learn the ways of the mage within the Elladwen Universe in this adventure.

#rpg #adventure #strategy #magic #mage #fantasy #RPGMaker #fantasycreature #free #freetoplay #lowbudget #free2play #F2P

Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

While there's no guarantee chapter 1 will be fully released by the end of the week (though it likely will), there will be at least a new version of the demo coming out in a couple of days (balance out some fights more).

I've been somewhat lazy with development on this one as of late. Though, chapter one may still get a release by the end of the week. We'll see.

There will be at least 4 different playstyles (total of 6 if you include the prelude) to choose as the story progresses. I aim to get at least 8, ideally 12. That is all!

Chapter 1 may get a release some point next week. Just have to work on some bugs present (some surprisingly difficult to work around with) and some tweaks for balance and progression.

As the game gets updated, I'll look more into the visual aspects. For now, the base sprites will serve as a placeholder until I'm satisfied with what I may pick up.

Okay. I'm convinced. I think I'll start releasing 'parts' or 'acts' for this particular entry. That is all!

Testing out some story fights. All I can really say is some of them might take longer depending on party composition and setup.

I've sprinkled in some environmental hints to give a vague idea on how you should tackle some fights (but aren't necessary).

Turned out I uploaded the wrong file. Whoops! That's just bonus content for anyone who was fast enough to get it lol. Got the right one this time. XD

A new version of the demo has been released! It only fixes a couple of small things and organises some things slightly better for the player. That'll be all!


A minor showcase of some of the progress. There likely will be changes.