
Comments (11)

What do you think?

I wanna VA for the game

Can i be a VA for this game?

Discord: Sim_Naum_Ofc


Wow, this is very interesting Progress has reached unprecedented heights Good luck with the development.

FNaTAS Reboot 3D: yes, is the original, but, In order for the project to move forward, and to avoid new problems, we have decided to change the design to "3D", and yes, made in blender, everything, the maps, the characters, the cinematics, EVERYTHING IN 3D! And, to avoid the problems of "sexual/suggestive characters" we have planned an advanced technique: if a character looks suggestive, you can send a comment to our shouts about the complaint, by doing this, we will apologize and remodel the model, in order to remove the suggestive details and thus be able to move forward with the project! (NOTE: only complain about the suggestive, not the gore or derivatives, since, being horror, it would not make apparent sense, also, when making a complaint, send us the name of the character, along with the details that have been suggestive, thanks for reading this, I hope you understand us)

For now, we need voice actors

@Omegalfa_team modeler(s), director, programator(s), ETC...

@IronJaiden Current onwen of FNaTAS

#horror #fangame #fnaf #action #adventure #rpg #arcade #platformer #retro #roguelike #scifi #survival #pointnclick #shooter #strategy #altgame #analog #textadventure #fnatas #fnatasrebranded #reboot #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

too late

here's the office

barugon & gamera

new progress in the office :D

mascot mallie finished!


model finished + new render


-plastic mallie

plastic mallie face details...

mascot mallie / plastic mallie