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RPGMakerPPT3D: The First-Ever Fully-Usable PowerPoint-Role-Playing-Game-Engine (For Windows X64 PowerPoint [PPT] 2019+ ONLY)

Version: 20210403.1507.728about 4 years ago
This engine only works properly with Windows X64 PowerPoint 2019 or newer ONLY! Absolutely no other version is compatible!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

RPGMakerPPT3D: Default-Manual-Map-Navigation-Theme

• Have you ever wished that you could make more with PowerPoint than just mildly-reminiscent-ports of "Five Nights At Freddy's", "Minecraft", "Among Us", and "Fortnight"?
• Do you ever wonder if PowerPoint's true capabilities extend beyond just making cursor-mazes, game-show-recreations, and regular old boring slideshows?
• Have you ever wanted to make an RPG (Role-Playing-Game) using nothing but PowerPoint, but just not been able to figure out how?

If your answer was "Yes" to any of those questions, you're in the right place, so keep reading!

Introducing: "RPGMakerPPT3Dâ„¢", by "JadeJohnson Gamesâ„¢"!

This revolutionary game-engine, plus the growing-collection of free content-libraries we provide along with it, gives you everything you could ever need to make your-very-own fully-fledged PowerPoint-Role-Playing-Games, each being of any size, scale, and depth!


• Attract Mode:
Hook players in with fancy graphics and sound!

• Scripting-Free Coding-Language (No, REALLY!):
No need to learn any of that rocket-science-like command-line junk ever aGain! Just follow the instructions on the game-code-blocks using only your computer-mouse and a handful of easy-to-remember keyboard-gestures, and you'll be "coding" your RPG in no-time-flat!

• Interior-Design-Engine:
Design the interiors of all the buildings in your game, and then paste them into the relevant scenes of your final game for either immediate-utilization or even-further-customization!

• Texture Bank:
Compile a bank of textures that can be applied to any flat surface on your game's map! There are also twenty-five default textures that cover a wide variety of terrains, some of them even featuring animation as well!

• Text-Engine:
Create and customize text-boxes that display the dialogue spoken by your title's cast of characters!

• Manually-Navigated-Map-Designer:
Follow the instructions on how to use our streamlined, dependency-based manual-map-section-terrain-tile-set-arrangement-preset-system, and you'll be building out your game-world in no-time, and more quickly than anyone who's still stuck on one of those lame coding-based game-engines, such as the original RPG Maker and its confusing-as-heck MV-and-MZ-variant brethren!

• Manual-Map-Navigation-Engine:
Let the player decide how to explore your game world! Build out your map, then click on an edge-cell, hold down the CTRL key and press the letter K, to link it to the next sector of your map, complete with a pre-included camera-transition!

• Auto-Navigated-Map-Designer:
Design unlimited dependency-free tilesets, each of whose twenty-five composing-tiles can all be grouped-together as a single entire section of your map, and place your new layouts anywhere in your game's automatically-navigated-world-sectors!

• Full-Auto-Map-Navigation-Engine:
Want to make a cutscene blatantly-obviously-oncoming? Switch to the Full-Auto-Map-Navigation when the player steps in a certain spot, to trigger events such as boss-appearances, camera-pans-over to a stranger-in-need, or even one of those pesky scenes where the player-character walks over to a dead-end, only to strut right back to where they stood before and tell said gamer what they already know!

• Auto-Entrance-Only-Navigation-Engine:
Want to let players know they're in the right place? Take control from them for around-three-seconds, so you can nudge their wandering mind back into focus! The Auto-Entrance-Only-Navigation-Engine is also great for non-playable-character-(NPC)-arrivals!

• Auto-Exit-Only-Navigation-Engine:
Is it time for an NPC to say goodbye? Or is it maybe time for the player's character to walk off-camera into a warp portal that leads who-knows-where? Whelp? Then it's time for the Auto-Exit-Only-Map-Navigation-Engine!

• Battle Engine:
It's that time: that arrogant Anime-Monster-Trainer has challenged you as you both stand at the edge of a cliff that could crumble at any moment; your only chance of survival is a round of companion-creature-back-riding-based-arial-combat. Looks like you have no choice but to battle! Thankfully, you've got a great Battle Engine that lets you pick your character sprites, battle theme-song, and even the terrain through which the camera flies before the match begins!

• Final-Game Partition:
Of course you'll need a way to separate your general game-code from your Final-Game-Engine! Thankfully, RPGMakerPPT3D comes with a clean-partition for piecing-together your final-masterpiece, right-out-of-the-box, so you'll always be able to sort things out!

• Instructions, Instructions Everywhere:
Unsure how to do something in either RPGMakerPPT3D, or PowerPoint itself? Well, in the case of the former, this game engine comes with loads of thoroughly-laid-out-instructions to quickly get you up and running! And in the instance of the latter, there are tons of PowerPoint guides on YouTube, so if your issue doesn't pertain to RPGMakerPPT3D specifically, chances are that a quick-but-well-thought-out YouTube-search should present what you require before you! We do also plan to, at some point, release a series of one-minute video-clips that explain how to use our engine, for those of you who require a hands-on-experience.

• Material-Libraries:
If you have no idea where to find 3D-game-development-assets, such as people, objects, buildings, and sound-effects; for use in your RPG, look no further than our
GameJolt page! We host a huge collection of game-ready-3D-models there, and you can download the full collection right now! Don't forget to check back there for new versions every-now-and-then, as more shall arrive whenever they're created!

Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!â„¢"

"RPGMakerPPT3Dâ„¢: What's Your Story?"

Keep an eye out for news on "JadeJohnson Gamesâ„¢'s RPGMakerPPT3D24â„¢", a near-realtime-strat-RPG-engine that's also fueled solely by PowerPoint!

#GameEngine #Engine #RPGMaker #PowerPoint #PPT #PowerPointRPG #PowerPointRPGMaker #3DPowerPoint #3DPPT #3DPowerPointGame #3DPPTGame #3DPowerPointGameMaker #3DPPTGameMaker #3DPowerPointGameEngine #3DPPTGameEngine #3DPowerPointRPGMaker #3DPowerPointRPGEngine #3DPPTRPGMaker #3DPPTRPGEngine #RPGMakerPPT3D #RPGEngine #RPG #Maker #PowerPoint #PPT #3D #Game #Engine #RPGMaker #Real #Time #Realtime #Strategy #Strat #Role #Playing #Play #RolePlaying #RolePlay #RolePlayingGame #RolePlayGame #Strategic #Strategize #Strategizer #Strategical #SRPG #JRPG #Japanese #TRPG #Tactical #Tactics #Power #Point #Jade #Johnson #Industries #Films #Games #Mobile #Records #JadeJohnson #JadeJohnsonFilms #JadeJohnsonGames #JadeJohnsonMobile #JadeJohnsonRecords

Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans

@Drift17 , thank you for following both, @JadeJohnsonIndustries , and, "RPGMakerPPT3D"! What inspired you to follow us, and is there any feature you'd like to see added to this game-engine?

Thank you, @MyNameIsJeff_00DA , for following "RPGMakerPPT3D"!

Is there any feature you'd like to see added to this game-engine?


The adventure-games are coming!

The adventure-games are coming!

Whoever said that the background music in last night's videos made you sleepy, thanks for your feedback! We've altered our background-music-playlist to a much-more-development-centric mood! New vids'll only feature the best "JadeJohnson Recordsâ„¢" hits!

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The Making Of JadeJohnson Games's 'Adsventure - Quest For The Reindeer' - Part 6

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