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SWORDS: Shadow Edition
SWORDS: Shadow Edition downloads.
SWORDS: Light Editions
SWORDS: Light Edition downloads.

What is SWORDS ?
After 21 years, have you ever wanted to go back to your childhood and play the old gameboy Pokémon again ? Well, now you can! Almost. SWORDS is a recreation of the original Pokémon Red/Blue, with the same atmosphere and goals, but completely original. Its a familiar, yet completely new world that you'll want to explore more of it.
Welcome to Otnak!
A brand new adventure awaits you in the land of Otnak, where instead of Pokémon trainers, there are Swordsman with awesome swords. Instead of capturing and growing animals, you grow Swords. At first sounds weird, but the more you play, the more fun it'll become to collect all of the swords in the region.
What are these Swords ?
The Swords found in the game are carried by the animals of the land, which has the same name as the sword. Each Sword has it's own stats and type, no sword is alike and each has their own potential.
What is the goal of the game ?
To become the best Swordsman the world has ever seen! You'll challenge all 8 Dojo Leaders, and defeat the greatest Swordsmans of Otnak in order to become the best. Its a long adventure worth being part of. You'll also be destined to save the world from the evil teams Shadow/Light!
What's the difference between version Light and Shadow ?
Mainly, story. In Shadow, you fight Team Shadow. In Light, you fight Team Light. Their reasons, actions and goals are different depending on which version you play. The biggest difference is also the Legendary Swords, Hikari and Daku. The Sword you fight in the end will be different from each version.
Why should I play this ?
Because if you love Pokémon, then you'll love this. Its fun, has amazing soundtrack, and can open your mind to a new world of potential never seen before.
Will the Full Game be paid ?
No. The game will entirely be free for everyone to enjoy the amazing land of Otnak and what it has to offer. But you are still able to donate to help the developer and musician, or buy the OST Album to support the musician for making such amazing soundtrack.
What are the required Specs to play this ?
Any decent computer will do fine. But I think the minimum would be:
Processor:Intel I3 Core 3.7Ghz
Memory:512 MB RAM
Graphics:1024x768 High Color +
Hard Drive:100 MB HD space
If you don't have a Baked potato as your PC, you should be fine. Any processor prior to Intel I3 Core can experience heavy lagging. One requirement is the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP, you can download it here:
Is there more ?
Yes. SWORDS is not just a game, there's also a on-going comic based off the world of the game. Its in early stages, but its progressing. It focus in the Swords themselves rather than the Humans. It has the same art style as the game.
Known Bugs:
Build 0.1.0:
If you faint in Passway 1, you'll get stuck and crash the game.
Director/Artist: Arkham Twins
Soundtrack: Scott Jacob