
Comments (8)

What do you think?

It's a mistery to me how this isn't in the main page of GameJolt yet.

The screenshots remind me of Skyrim.

Cant wait to see wen the game grows larger, and eventually reaches so many followers that i'll be forgotten as one of the first ones

It really impresses me how this is made in FPS Creator.

The art design is just fantastic! Which game engine are you using for this project? It doesn't look like Unity, Unreal or any other currently popular one. Actually it looks like, that you are using the same engine as for Amytric Pulse. Somewhere I've read, that you had used FPS Creator for that. Is that true?

it looks wery nice.

you are doing wery great looking games

"This is not your world, outsider, you don't belong here. You have proven
that you are not a spy, nor an assassin or in any other way related
to...them. Yet this is not your body, these are not your lungs that you are
breathing our air with and not your heart beating in this chest. Its
likely that you condemned the owner of this shell to death, if they
didn't already...harvest...him. I have known him, you see...we where
friends for many decades.

You probably wonder where you are and it is likely not on your planet
nor in your dimension. This is the Symarian Empire, the most prosperous
trading nation on the planet Shavra. At least it used to be, in better
days slowly fading from our collective memory. You have come at a bad
time, outsider. The cataclysm has ruptured the integrity of this
continuum and we are approaching darkest night, metaphorically speaking,
of course. They say its darkest before the break of dawn yet I am
afraid our civilization will not be here anymore when the first ray of the
rising sun touches the ground.

You are free to walk the halls of this sanctuary until the Synergy has
decided what to do with you, although harbor no illusions, outsider... you
will likely be sentenced to death. We cannot afford any unnecessary
risks or disturbances before the inevitable maelstrom to come but don't
let this... discourage you...
also, do not attempt to flee, the desert will kill you far slower than
any poison of ours. ...but perhaps.. the bleak outlook has gotten the better of me.
Perhaps the Synergy will let you live to witness our demise...
perhaps your appearance here is more than mere coincidence.
A younger, more idealistic version of me didn't believe in coincidences.
Perhaps you have come to save us all. Wouldn't that be a solemnly naive
point of view? Ha!

Either way, outsider, welcome to Shavra."

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans

The recent lack of updates is due to this project being migrated to the Unreal Engine. Please stay tuned for news next year :)

This is the second dev log from march.

This is the dev log for Shavra from March.

This is the dev diary for this project from February

This is the dev diary from this year, January