Comments (62)
I really like this project! However I think it suffers from the same issues I find with all 3d sonic fan games. Avatar Strength and GoGoGo Syndrome, these levels have no stop and go.
There is never a time where a level presents a challenge or genuine obstacles for me learn to get around. Everything is just go go go. There is no needed platforming or sections to break up the constant hold forward and go.
The avatar strength makes it worst because I have all these abilities to get through the level with ease, and skip huge chunks of the level, every obstacle just feels like a minor inconvenience rather, something to challenge my skills.
I'm really looking forward to where this project goes, and I hope my concerns are addressed eventually
Great game for a first, however I ran into a few problems with my playthrough of what I believe to be the main campaign with sonic (this does not mean it only happens with or without sonic). Also sorry for the light of the list.
First off the badniks, there seems to be a little too much. for example, in angle island zone act 1. I was dealing with 5 badniks in my path since I already ran into them, but then all of a sudden from right behind from another area of the level some more came and robbed me off my rings. this happens very often with me throughout the game
Second, oddly placed badnicks. sometimes throughout my playthrough, I would try to make a jump to skip part of the level only for my air dash to become a homing attack and sends me downward to a badnick. This happens even in intentional jumps too, like in icecap zone act 2 when you have to run vertically along the wall of the crystal cave and then make a jump to the other side. (btw this jump can be cleared with a regular jump and not a airdash but I wanted to be sure I could make it). mystic cave is a good example on hot to place badniks.
Third, bosses breaking. I have 3 cases in which a boss did something that seemed unintended. In angle island zone act 2 when I hit one of the mini-bosses helping eggman the music randomly cutted out and then switched into the zone music instead of the boss music. In mystic cave zone act 2 eggman just went halfway into the floor and did nothing until I beat him. last but not least aqua park act 1 (good level idea btw). I couldn't attack the boss I would just phase right through it. It attacked me 3 times and then did nothing, so I restarted the level, went back to the boss and then the boss is just gone and the ring to the next level is there.
Forth, the game crashing. for me the game doesn't actually crash when I get a game over or when I beat the game. The problem for me is just I don't get control over my mouse and its still locked and not visible as if I'm playing a stage. This means I have to restart the game over and over again.
Fifth, a broken rail in Ice cap act 2. This leads to a top path in the act. whenever I homing attack it sonic spazzes out and then falls to his death.
Sixth, hidden item boxes. btw the placements of said item boxes in mystic cave onward are pretty good so anything before mystic cave is applied here. The item boxes feel either way too hidden or way to unnoticeable in the zones. It got to the point where I just didnt even know they existed until ice cap when I got a few ring boxes and a shield.
Seventh, vertical sections. chalk this up with me having a skill issue if you like but I swear the vertical sections in Ice cap and mystic cave are a chore to go though with the small platforms. When you fail the platforming most likely you gotta climb all the way back up.
Eighth, rail grinding. the rails just dont feel like they have momentum especially when you try to gain speed by crouching.
Ninth, big UI, the UI is just too big when selecting levels it covers the previews seen on the TV
Tenth, a little claustrophobic. The levels often feel to tight and one weird spring launch or death can cause someone to get lost, sorta like a maze. (im sorry if I sound like a broken record but mystic cave is the best zone in this game and also it doesn't apply to this)
Eleventh, looking a little dry. the models in the character select screen are just a little desaturated. easy fix(I think)
And that's all I got I believe. This game is still really good for a first game and I hope you use what works with this game to your advantage and once again sorry once again for this very long list.
mac port?
awesome game, but it crashes any time I run out of lives or after beating a level in level select. is there a fix?
This game looks like sequel to Sonic GT
Sonic Encore Fan Game
#fangame #platformer #action #adventure #sonic
Sonic Encore is a fan-game that re-imagines the some of the classic levels from Sonic 2D era into a more modern 3D environmental setting. Not only taking visual cues from the classics, It is the intended design goal that the playstyle of the game also feels reminiscent of the classic games 2D as well. which should provide a unique experience to other 3D sonic games.
As the title states this is the final build. everything I set as a goal for completion has been achieved, so besides any fixes or issues I can address this is the end of the road for this project,
This project consists of 11 levels, across 6 zones each with a boss fight all available to explore and overcome.
With this being my first project ever, I personally don’t call this a game as such more of a proof of concept
and the result of many hours of love and trial, error and lessons learned.
And after 4 years of my life, it feels great to finally finish, it share it with the community, take what i have learned
and create something new.
Because of this the Project lacks any sort of story or plot and is more of a greatest hits of some of my favorite levels.
Read the Update section below for what's new and what to be aware of.
Updates: My goal was to have the project completed by SAGE and call it a day.
What I have ended up with far exceeds my initial plans and goals. and has gone far beyond my original scope.
at this point I'm just constantly refining and tuning, which would never end and i have to draw a line where to stop
All levels refined further.
level visual quality has been pushed further and hopefully optimized to boot.
3 play modes. Selecting Play game will string all the levels one after the other.
While selecting level select will enable you to choose level you wish to play. Within this also it the Time Attack option.
All characters have been tuned
Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, Knuckles, Tails, Ray and Mighty. have had many changes.
including textures, animations. effects and stat adjustments. some more specific noted below.
Knuckles Climb, FINALLY! Its not flawless but given the issues if had getting to this point with it ill take what i can get.
To initiate climbing: you must glide into the surface you wish to climb. note also most not all walls are climbable some are not for reasons like preventing player getting to where they aren't meant to, but I'm sure some will find spots I've missed.
Shadow Chaos Control:Â While Design intent remains its function and visual has been redone. be cause of its overpowerd nature especially against bosses, each use of it now drains shadow of rings, costing 10 rings per use, so naturally if you have no rings you cant use it,
All bosses are now up and running, most have had some visual improvements, and I hope you enjoy the final boss as it can be quite a doozy
Badniks: have also had adjustments, some reduced some replaced and chasing type enemies should be less brutal. and more forgiving than in the past.
This is something I have focused on and even was the reason for some zones to be remade from scratch.
while steps have been made to improve performance. I have only my own PC to test on and it runs fine.
While I am also aware of a couple of other things to try, some stem from some big mistakes I made at the very beginning I’ve now since learned but to remedy would require a remake from the ground up which I’m mot prepared to do.
Rather I learn from this and move on.
if it will help I run this on an I7 with a 1080 Ti and maintain a constant framerate with perhaps a barely noticeable dip sometimes in ice cap. That’s at max graphics it may run on a potato with things turns way down to min.
please don't complain about this, I am aware it will be an issue for some and I wish I could do more.
Moving platforms re- invented:
Moving platforms remade from scratch, which now should move the player better, no longer transfer momentum to player,
so player will not bounce up once at the top on OOZ lifts for example.
furthermore they should not randomly damage the player anymore.
this was a bug that for some reason and some how access code for enemy bullets damaging the player as if the platform was a bullet. boy was this fun to discover and fix
character checkpoint spawns are random facing. This is a problem with the Bumper framework that not even GT fixed and was a primary reason for players getting lost from spawning facing backwards.
I have a work around that corrects the camera so if you see it whip around when you respawn that’s
There may other issues I am aware of and have tried to fix but unable to so but please understand this project
Is one person show and I’m not a rock star at every role required in game dev.
Known Issues;
These are issue i am aware of and currently unable to solve. my apologies.
- Knuckles when climbing the first time may be stuck in gliding animation. this seem to only happen the first time he climbs when a level is first loaded or reset. subsequent climbing functions normally.
-PS4 controller functionality; despite my best efforts and breaking the whole input manager a day before the deadline for more panic, I have not been able to resolve this issue with camera spin and button bindings. sorry for this.
-Slow menu loads or hanging on first use. this is an optimization issue my end and i want to overhaul it. while i have improved things. it may take a while or hang on older PCs. if this does happen restarting can improve things
-Input bindings not set. this seems to be an issue with the old input system used, while it has be fixed, i may occur on first time use, if using for first time, setting the input bindings before playing creates a config file that stores input info for future use.
Finally Have fun and enjoy my first attempt at game dev. I hope I can learn and build from this project to be better.
As much as I claim this as a solo project, there have been many I have met along the way.
who have been there when I needed assistance. sharing their knowledge and wisdom for which
I am eternally grateful for so I'm sharing the love and credit for their contributions.
Greedy (of GT and Rascal fame)
SuperSonic 68 (Bumper framework)
Possqueen (sonic calamity)
Josh (ragdoll engine)
Lucas Rodrigues (Ring engine)
Visual Stuff:
Anonymause, (Animations)
Ikke, (Textures)
Audio and music
Driftnmiss (voice work)
Jahn Davis: "A Brand New Adventure" - Emerald Hill Zone (Sonic 2 Remix)
Flaming Forest for Angel Island Act 2 (Sonic 3 Remix)
Saigia: Mystic Cave Zone ~ NewJackSwing Remix
MK Masters; Sonic Mania Plus - Angel Island Zone (MK-Mix)
Sonic Mania - Oil Ocean Zone Act 2 (MK-mix)
Plasma3Music; Ice Cap Zone Remix - Sonic 3
Mazedude; Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SMS) 'Reich Lake' [Aqua Lake Zone]
Mike Essa: Oil Ocean Zone Remix (Sonic 2)
Sponge Magic; Game Gear Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Aqua Lake Zone Reimagined
Ermac France; [Sonic Electro House Remix] - Icecap Zone (Ermac Remix)
GuitarWanker 90; Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Robotniks theme Boss Battle on guitar
Kamex: Sonic 3 Final Boss Big Arms Remix
All this tracks by these amazing people can be found on YouTube, SoundCloud etc.
The Great Sage