
Comments (49)

What do you think?

I really enjoyed playing this game. Gameplay is sweet and graphics are pretty nice. It of course needs to be updated but the early access itself is great so far. Keep up working on it.

Great movement, however I feel like for a game that's as dark as this is, you should have the flashlight always follow the camera, as at times it was hard to see where I was going. (You could have the flashlight mounted to the players head like in the RE2 remake) The atmosphere kinda conflicts with the gameplay loop, it's odd that it's supposed to be a horror game but there's leveling up and money and weapon upgrades. It's not bad just odd. You seem to make it work. The enemies often sneak up on me and because of the flashlight not following the camera it's hard to react to them in time enough to not at least suffer some HP loss, there's no sprint (or perhaps it just wasn't working for me) which made some engagements basically a death sentence. I think putting a limit on how much ammo you have would be fine if the enemies didn't respawn indefinitely, like, if I cleared the map once and then go into a room (or just wait a few minutes) all the enemies I just killed will come back. It lead me to just ignoring enemies unless they were close enough to attack me. There needs to be some indication of you taking damage like a screen flash or camera shake, sometimes I wasn't aware I was taking damage. Definitely, definitely need to fix the flashlight following the camera, I would add some grunts/groans/some kind of audio queue to alert the player to an enemy aggroing to them, and maybe a small, faded glow to the little worm creatures so they can at least be seen somewhat in the tall grass. Also, if you need help with art assets at all (some of those MS Paint pictures were pretty cringey) I would love to contribute in some way, I'm pretty familiar with photoshop and have a drawing tablet. I'm definitely gonna check out the other "The Code" in your library as well as follow the production of this one. It's flaws notwithstanding this was a really fun demo.

When I first downloaded it I had trouble getting to run. I found that by moving the game folder to my desktop it got the game up and running. Not sure if anyone else will need this tip.

looks freaking lit for a game this new, downloading it rn and trying it out

Like you said. Here is the video link. Subscribe to my channel. I am very excited to play the full version of this game. If you want me as a game tester for your project I would be very glad to work with you.

Mysterious creatures have taken over a valley, and Yael is the only one who can figure out where they came from and stop them. Set off into the fog to fight back the monsters and figure out where they came from. chapter 1 is available now, and when we build up interest and funds we'll start on chapter 2 😁. #horror #action #rpg #shooter #mystery #unreal #tps #thriller

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

i just want to say, thank you all for giving us a shot and checking out our game. I'm truly grateful for all of you, and am so happy people are enjoying the game. we will always be committed to the fans, because without them, a game dev is nobody. ❤❤

[email protected] I'll still check back here periodically it just won't be as frequent. but feel free to email me if you have any questions comments concerns, all that jazz 😁😁😁

I'm unable to interact with this page as much as i used to, i got a chance to go work so I'm taking the opportunity to build funds for ch 2 and work on my kung fu training a bit. if you have any concerns and need a direct line my email is cmag1019@gmail

if you donate please let us know so we can credit you and give you a free copy of the full game when it's released.

we have a paypal account set up now, so if you'd like to donate to help fund chapter 2, here's a link! even small amounts are greatly appreciated. I'm new to crowdfunding, so if this is the wrong way to do that please let me know

also if the game is too dark you can adjust the gamma from the pause menu now. Enter on the keyboard or the select button on a gamepad. you can also turn auto level off or on at whim and even change subclass.

0.8.0 is out with updates to;
UI elements
Environment tweaks
Better visibility in houses
Optional auto level system
Minor dialogue rewrites
and more.
sorry it took extra time, had a last minute issue that took a bit, but we got it lol.
enjoy! :D :D

the auto leveling is optional, you can choose when the game starts and if you change your mind it can be changed from the pause menu, as well as subclass.

with 0.8.0 will be
-minor rewrites to dialog
-auto leveling system with 3 subclasses for prefs
-environmental tweaks for more visibility in houses
-gamma settings in case it needs a boost
-UI popup when in range of interactables
-enemy rebalancing

gregor was supposed to come out as a lovable perv, a la master roshi, etc lol, but I'll tone him down. maybe with voice acting he'd come across different but as it stands it comes out wrong...